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Cosplay Builds
Cosplay Builds: Welcome
Ahsoka Tano
The Clone Wars Season 7
Armor and soft goods built by me out of EVA foam, faux suede and nylon tights. (Purchased headpiece.) The armor is based off a template and altered to fit my body size. Glued together with contact cement and finished using Flexi-Dip, acrylics, acrylic seal, and Rub 'n' Buff. Attached with velcro and elastics.
Cosplay Builds: Text
Cosplay Builds: Selected Work
The Legend of Vox Machina
Base dress & leggings thrifted and altered to fit character. Gloves, corset, pauldron, leg wraps and feather made from scratch.
Cosplay Builds: Text
Cosplay Builds: Selected Work
Rey Skywalker
The Rise of Skywalker
Clothes made from thrifted items and fabric, altered to add character details like knee pads and hood. Cuffs and blaster holster made from leather. Staff built from PVC pipe base.
Cosplay Builds: Text
Cosplay Builds: Selected Work
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